Lifestyle Tweaks to Prevent Bladder Leaks
What are the signs of a weak bladder?
If you have any of the symptoms below, your bladder health may need support!
- Urinating more than 8 times in 24 hours and passing small amounts (less than 200ml) at a time
- Waking more than once during the night to urinate
- Bedwetting
- Leakage when coughing, exercising or laughing
- Occasional leakage during sex
- Sudden and urgent need to urinate
How to strengthen your bladder with diet and lifestyle
Simple changes to your diet and lifestyle (plus Urox or Prorox) can help improve bladder function.
- Maintain a healthy weight and make exercise a daily routine
- Address constipation and eat plenty of fibre-rich foods including fruits, vegetables and whole grains
- Avoid too much tea, coffee and alcohol. These are diuretics and may irritate the bladder
- Drink around 6-8 cups of water each day, preferably spread throughout the day; do not reduce fluid intake as this may make the problem worse
- Reduce foods that are known ‘bladder irritants’ such as citrus, watermelon, tomato-based products and then check to see if your bladder control improves.
- Only go to the toilet when necessary
- Maintain a healthy weight to avoid excessive pressure on the pelvic floor muscles
- Practice pelvic floor exercises known as Kegel (pelvic floor) exercises. These strengthen the muscles involved during urination.
- Don’t go ‘just in case’. The bladder is largely muscle and can be trained. Bladder retraining helps to teach your bladder to last a little longer each time you need to visit the toilet.