Home of multi award-winning Australian Urox®

Dixie, 21 years

Meet Dixie, a 21 year old who lives with Rett syndrome

Photo of Dixie, a 21 year old with Rett syndrome taking Urox.

 "On Ultrasound, Dixie's bladder was never completely emptying and the chalky residue was what we were told was causing these recurrent UTI.

The antibiotics would increase to a stronger version and sometimes she would be hospitalised and twice spiralled into sepsis all requiring IV. After these episodes, she would return to her prophylactic antibiotics.

She would have one UTI a month. We lived like this for over ten years.

Since being introduced to Urox bladder control, within 14 days, the urine became clearer and month after month no UTI.

Now there is NO chalky residue and I've been able to give her a break from catheterisation. I've now taken her off the prophylactic antibiotic and the D-mannose. Still no breakthrough infections.


We are now more than 12 months infection-free.


 Urox bladder control allows the bladder to empty completely and has been an absolute miracle for Dixie. Her Nurses and Docs were amazed and have said just keep doing it.

We are very grateful for such a fantastic breakthrough and its Natural!

Her outstanding results have many others now using Urox. I hope her story helps others…"

Testimonial by Donna, Dixie's Mum