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BPH, Bladder and Prostate Health in Men

Men are likely to develop benign prostatic hypertrophy (BPH) as they age. Approximately 8 percent of men in their thirties have BPH, half of men in their fifties, and by the time they are eighty years old, it’s 80 percent.

Terms associated with BPH include bladder outlet obstruction (BOO), lower urinary tract symptoms (LUTS), and benign prostatic enlargement (BPE). BPH refers to the histological changes, benign prostatic enlargement (BPE) to the increased size of the gland, and bladder outlet obstruction (BOO) describes obstruction to flow.

Men with bladder outlet obstruction (BOO) or benign prostatic hypertrophy (BPH) have an increased detrusor muscle collagen content associated with decreased bladder compliance, detrusor overactivity (DO), detrusor underactivity and urinary retention.

The chronically increased intravesical pressure with BOO/BPH results in remodelling of the bladder wall causing trabeculation (detrusor hypertrophy/thickening) and fibrosis with accompanying decreased detrusor compliance.25  The fibrotic bladder loses normal contractility for expelling urine resulting in weak urinary stream, intermittency, increased residual urine sensation, and abdominal straining.

Reducing or removing the obstruction is the traditional basis for the treatment of BOO/BPH yet for many men who have had surgical treatment of their BPH, the storage symptoms persist post-surgery.25,26 Bladder detrusor muscle abnormalities occur with BOO/BPH and detrusor muscle treatment is needed to resolve the urinary symptoms.

Research shows less than 50% of cases of male bladder dysfunction have urodynamically proven BOO that may be attributed to BPH or other obstructive causes14 . An approach targeting prostate size reduction alone is limited as it does not address the need to support and correct the detrusor muscle functioning. 

Urox research with men showed a clinically relevant, halving of nocturia at 8-weeks (p<0.01) with day frequency Improving to normal range6.

Mechanism of Action research shows Urox improves bladder detrusor muscle contractility and bladder compliance and thus improves the ability of the bladder to fill and empty. Urox normalises all of the bladder storage and voiding stages.

Male LUTS may be caused by a primarily prostate disorder (BOO/BPH) with secondary bladder involvement or a primarily bladder disorder, such as overactive bladder (OAB) without prostate involvement. In either scenario, treatment targeted for the bladder needs inclusion. With prostate and bladder involvement, the bladder improvements will typically occur within weeks and before prostate improvements.

Prorox is formulated for men for complete bladder and prostate support. Prorox contains the full Urox dosage to match clinical research, combined with clinically researched saw palmetto, zinc, selenium and vitamin D3 for additional prostate support.