Urinary Incontinence? Don't just put up with it
Did you know that urinary incontinence (bladder accidents) is one of the top three most adverse conditions for quality of life for seniors? Yet unlike Alzheimer's and stroke, the other two, incontinence is overlooked and often a taboo topic, even for health professionals.
Most adults with incontinence don't seek solutions because they are embarrassed, concerned about social disapproval, or they believe that their symptoms can't be treated. Incontinence affects over 6 million Australians, and most suffer in silence.
According to Tracey Seipel, our CEO , we should be putting an end to this by destigmatising the condition and increasing awareness of healthy bladder function and holistic treatment options.
We specialise in natural urological health, and Tracey has supported 20 years of research into effective herbal options for improving bladder control. Tracey calls the bladder the "invisible organ" as people know so little about the workings of their bladders or why things go wrong.
"Continence relies on coordination between your nervous system, your urinary tract muscles and your brain. This is a complex system and prone to disorders as the surprisingly high rates of incontinence across the population demonstrate," explains Tracey.
Bladder weakness affects:
- 25% of reproductive age women
- 40% of women postpartum
- 50% of adults over the age of fifty
- 75% of seniors
- 10-20% of children over the age of five
Stress incontinence (loss of urine with physical activity such as coughing or sneezing) and overactive bladder (the strong, sudden urge to empty the bladder) are the two main types of incontinence. Whilst stress incontinence affects many more women, overactive bladder with urgency, frequency and nocturia (nighttime frequency) affects men and women roughly equally.
"The cause of overactive bladder is unknown, but it is thought to be a miscommunication between the brain and the bladder. It might not be considered a serious medical condition, but it does affect mental wellbeing. It is associated with depression, anxiety, anger; and sexual and relationship problems as over half of sufferers don't even tell their partner," Tracey says.
"All forms of incontinence have a significant impact on quality of life. Those affected make lifestyle changes, rely on pads and avoid travel for more than an hour or to areas where toilet facilities are uncertain. They stop exercising and have interrupted sleep which increases daytime fatigue. Incontinence is also the third leading reason for elderly admittance to nursing homes."
According to Tracey, the important thing to realise is that incontinence can be treated. Tracey formulated Urox® which has three herbal ingredients that comprehensively rectify the underlying causes of weak bladder control.
Crateva nurvala supports the bladder detrusor muscle and pelvic floor muscles. Equisetum arvense supports the collagen and connective tissue structure of the genitourinary area; and Lindera aggregate supports the urinary system and co-ordinates appropriate neural firing to the detrusor muscle.
Urox® has undergone 14 clinical trials and is proven effective in reducing incontinence, urgency, frequency and getting up at night for the toilet. Urox® is a great Australian success story and global success with 7 international industry awards!